CFBCI VP Gerald Chan participates in the 38th Trade Expo Indonesia 菲華工商總會副理事長曾國強應邀出席「第卅八屆印尼貿易博覽會」

On October 17, 2023, Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Vice President Gerald Chan flew to Indonesia and attended the opening ceremony of the 38th Trade Expo Indonesia on the following day at ICE – BSD City, Tangerang, Indonesia.

During the ceremony, he was able to engage with his fellow delegates from the Philippines and other esteemed attendees including Mr. Peter M. Unabia who is the current Governor of Misamis Oriental and Mrs. Zerlin Conception Pilac of the PT. PHILINDO CARGO LOGISTICS. Mr. Chan received utmost gratitude from Ambassador Agus Widjojo for his active participation.

Mr. Chan’s discussion with the Ambassador tackled trade imbalance and the latter has encouraged more Filipino companies to initiate business ventures in Indonesia. The Indonesian Embassy in the Philippines headed by the Ambassador- Mr. Mudzakir, Minister and Head of Economic Section; and Mr. Martin Pandapotan, Trade Attache-has made sure that all delegates were assisted well and productive business matchings were arranged on their behalf.

During his time at the expo, Mr. Chan attended a business forum where an Indonesian company discussed modern technologies that could aid rice farming and eventually lead to increased yield and profit to local farmers. The forum also gave a glimpse on many upcoming joint ventures between companies in the Philippines and Indonesia which can help both countries achieve their targets and balance of trade.

At present, the biggest Indonesian exports to the Philippines are coal, fertilizer, palm oil, cement, coffee, and other products. Mr. Chan landed safely in Manila on October 20, 2023.

菲華工商總會訊:本會副理事長曾國強應印尼駐菲大使阿古斯‧維喬喬的熱情邀請,出席參加於十月十八日至二十二日假印尼萬丹(Banten)省丹格朗縣ICE BSD印尼會展中心舉行的「第卅八屆印尼貿易博覽會」(Trade Expo Indonesia / TEI)。

該博覽會是由印尼共和國貿易部主辦。此次博覽會以「可持續貿易促進全球經濟韌性」為主題。大約有九百個當地企業參加,來自九十個國家近三千人與會。印尼總統佐科維以虛擬方式啟動了這項博覽會;經濟統籌部長Airlangga Hartarto在博覽會開幕式現場致辭。

「第卅八屆印尼貿易博覽會」是作為國際商業協議和各種重要專案的平臺,如國際研討會、商業匹配和眾多商業諮詢。來自菲律濱的代表包括現任Misamis Oriental省長Peter M. Unabia,本會副理事長曾國強和PT. PHILINDO貨運物流的代表Zerlin Conception Pilac女士等。由印尼駐菲律濱大使館官員協助接待所有菲律濱代表,並為代表們安排了富有成效的商業對接。菲律濱代表們都對印尼駐菲大使阿古斯‧維喬喬的積極協助深表感謝。



下中圖:和Misamis Oriental省長Peter M. Unabia合影。
下右圖:和PT. PHILINDO貨運物流公司的代表Zerlin Conception Pilac女士合影。