CFBCI joins Silkroad Philippines 2023 Trade Expo 菲華工商總會應邀設展區參與2023菲律濱海絲商品博覽會

The Philippine Jinjiang General Association, Inc. and the World Jinjiang Association co-sponsored the Silkroad Philippines 2023 with the theme “The Best of China" and held a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 9:00am on Friday, October 13th, at the World Trade Center, Pasay City.

Mr. Charles Chen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Jinjiang General Association; Mr. Yang Guoliang, Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines; Mr. Huang Tiankai, Member of the Standing Committee of Jinjiang Municipal Party Committee; Mr. Zeng Guozhi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Quanzhou Municipal Government; Atty. Michael Manotoc, Representative of Senator Imee Marcos; and Mr. Ceferino “Perry" Rodolfo, Undersecretary of the Department of Trade and Industry, delivered congratulatory speeches.

Thousands of Filipino-Chinese business people, teachers, and students from Chinese schools attended the opening ceremony and visited the exhibition. After the opening ceremony, the signing ceremony of the future joint projects between China and the Philippines was also held.

This exhibition is a large-scale commodities exhibition held in conjunction with the thirtieth anniversary of the Philippine Jinjiang General Association, Inc. With the aim to help introducing products from Jinjiang to the greater public, the expo gathered more than 200 Chinese and Filipino wholesalers, suppliers and retailers from three important industries: food and beverages, fashion and lifestyle, and construction materials and manufacturing equipment. The exhibition lasted for 3 days and ended successfully on October 15 (Sunday) afternoon.

At the invitation of the Philippine Jinjiang General Association, Inc. and World Jinjiang Association, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. was provided with a booth, which was carefully designed by the Secretariat with illustrations and videos to promote our organization to everyone who passed by the booth. Mr. Lin Shui Zhen, Director of World Jinjiang Association, attended the opening ceremony and a number of leaders and colleagues visited the booth during the exhibition period.

菲華工商總會訊:由世界晉江同鄉總會、菲律濱晉江同鄉總會、菲律濱晉江總商會共同主辦,主題為「閩商傳承海絲相伴」的「2023菲律濱海絲商品博覽會」,於 十月十三日(星期五)上午九時,假座馬尼拉世界貿易中心(WORLD TRADE CENTER METRO MANILA)隆重舉行開幕剪綵儀式。菲律濱晉江同鄉總會理事長陳凱復,中國駐菲大使館公參楊國良,晉江市委常委、統戰部長黃天凱,泉州市人民政府副秘書長曾國志,參議員艾美馬科斯的代表Michael Ferdinand Marcos Manotoc律師,商務部副部長兼投資署長Ceferino “Perry” Rodolfo等先後致辭祝賀。菲華人士,工商界名人,華校師生上千人出席了開幕儀式並參觀了展覽。開幕儀式後,現場還舉行了中菲兩地合作專案簽約儀式,中菲經濟交流論壇等。



中左圖:林水真在本會展位和秘書處工作人員合影(左起)蔡艷霞,林水真,Mexica Bausa,吳宛盈。