CFBCI Poso Mula sa Puso Program funds water pump construction in Isla Verde, Batangas 菲華工商總會「愛心水井」方案捐款幫助描東岸省建設抽水設施

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc.’s Poso Mula sa Puso Program which began in 2004 is a joint effort with local governments aiming to install hand-pumped wells in barren areas in order to help the residents gain access to drinking water, promote sanitary environment, and enhance the quality of life. Since its inception, the program has built more than 300 wells across the country, which is well recognized by the mainstream society, especially by the grassroots communities.

This time, CFBCI was approached by Mr. Alfredo Baja Jr., the Chairman of Brgy. Liponpon Isla Verde, a remote area in the province of Batangas, requesting for help in solving the problem of water supply for the residents of the area.

After a visit to the area by Mr. Willy Wong, CFBCI Batangas Coordinator, CFBCI granted a donation worth PHP 150,000 for the construction of a water pumping facility to provide a stable water access in the barangay, benefiting at least 1,000 residents. The turnover was led by Mr. Wong; Mr. Jack Co, CFBCI Vice Chairman; and Mr. Jimmy Almerino, CFBCI Plenary Member.

On behalf of Brgy. Liponpon Isla Verde, Mr. Baja extended his immense gratitude to the organization for heeding the calls of his fellow people.

菲華工商總會訊:本會「愛心水井」(POSO MULA SA PUSO)方案始於二零零四年,聯合地方政府深入貧瘠地區,置入人力手泵水井,協助居民解決飲水、用水問題,改善衛生環境,提升生活品質,故稱為愛心水井。該方案自啟動以來,現已在全國各地建設了三百多口水井,深得主流社會認同,尤獲基層民眾肯定。

這次本會收到描東岸省偏遠山區Liponpon Isla Verde描籠涯主席Alfredo Baja Jr.來函請求幫助該山區居民解決用水問題,經過本會描東岸地區常務理事黃志安實地走訪確認情況,本會通過支助十五萬元批索,幫助當地建設發電抽水設施,以改善供水問題。九月二十六日(星期二)上午,本會常務理事黃志安、常務理事許建陽和理事柯吉平代表本會,特前往描東岸省Kipsi Memorial學校,向Liponpon Isla Verde市市議員Dahyo Baja Jr.移交該筆捐款;該方案將使當地一千多戶居民受益。

圖為移交捐款:(左起)許建陽,市議員Dahyo Baja Jr.,黃志安,柯吉平。