CFBCI donates relief items to PNP – PCADG 菲華工商總會捐贈救援物資響應國警社區事務和發展局糧食銀行

The Philippine National Police – Police Community Affairs and Development Group (PNP – PCADG) has launched a “Foodbank Project” to prepare for the impacts of natural disasters in the country. In response to this meaningful project, on July 20, 2023, Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) officers led by President Stephen Sia handed the relief items over PCADG Stakeholder Lounge, Camp BGen Rafael T. Crame, Quezon City.

The food items donated to the Food Bank were warmly received by General Lou F. Evangelista, Director of the PNP – PCADG. General Lou F. Evangelista presented a plaque of appreciation for the organization’s contribution to this worthwhile project and invited the organization to attend the official launching ceremony of the Foodbank Project on July 22, after a discussion with the attending leaders.

The foodbank was established to provide immediate assistance to victims of major disasters such as typhoons, volcanic eruptions, fires and landslides. The launching ceremony was officiated by Senator Imee Marcos, with the attendance of PNP Chief PMGen. Benjamin Casuga Acorda Jr.  and Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin 'Benhur' C. Abalos Jr. as well as the police force and thousands of donors from various non-government organizations.

The event was a meaningful demonstration of the PNP’s commitment to interacting with the community.  “I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the organization of this event," said Acorda. “Together, we will continue our commitment to serve and protect the people of the Philippines," he added.

菲華工商總會訊:每年七月為警察社區關係月,菲律濱國家員警社區事務和發展局為本國發生自然災難前,防範於未然,籌設「糧食銀行」。本會為響應該有意義的活動,特於七月二十日(星期四)上午,由理事長謝國萬親率副理事長楊良田、副理事長蔡金東,董事杜祖蔭和常務理事許有福,在《聯合日報》總經理莊樹福的陪同下,前往菲國警總部克楠美軍營,向菲律濱國家員警社區事務和發展局(PNP PCADG)移交本會捐贈給「糧食銀行」(Food Bank)的食品,受到該局總監Lou F. Evangelista將軍的熱情接待。為感謝本會對這有價值的項目做出的貢獻,Lou F. Evangelista將軍特頒感謝牌給本會,並與出席領導座談,同時邀請本會出席七月二十二日(星期六)菲律濱國家警察援助和「糧食銀行」舉辦正式啟動儀式。


啟動儀式當天由參議員伊梅‧馬科斯親自主持,國警總監Benjamin Acorda Jr. 將軍,內政部長Benjamin ‘Benhur’ C. Abalos Jr.,及警察部隊和來自各個非政府組織的捐贈者數千人出席儀式,見證這項展示菲國警致力於與社區互動充滿意義的活動。

國警總監Benjamin Acorda Jr. 將軍在致詞時表示:「我向所有為舉辦這次活動做出貢獻的人們表示衷心的感謝。我們將共同繼續致力於服務和保護菲律濱人民。」


上左圖:頒發感謝牌給本會(左起)Marvin Joe C. Saro警察上校,Lou F. Evangelista將軍,理事長謝國萬,Rogelio P. Simon警察上校。

上右圖:(左起)杜祖蔭,內政部長Benjamin ‘Benhur’ C. Abalos Jr.,國警總監Benjamin Acorda Jr.將軍,謝國萬,許有福,在「糧食銀行」啟動典禮上合影。
