CFBCI partners with DTI in a seminar about entrepreneurial mindsetting for scholars 菲華工商總會聯合工貿部中小企業巡迴學院為 點亮未來受助生舉辦「企業家思維設置」講座

The Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Incorporated (CFBCI) Scholars commemorated their post Valentine's day with a day filled with learning opportunities and developing them into future entrepreneurs who are resourceful and sage. The CFBCI, along with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), gave the students numerous opportunity to bring out their best selves and develop the skills they would need to succeed as entrepreneurs. The day started with a Life, Skills, and Motivational Seminars (LSMS) with a twist as it was led by the DTI Small-Medium Enterprise Roving Academy (SMERA) entitled “Entrepreneurial Mindsetting", that took place at Tower 1, Binondo, Manila on 19th of February 2023.

A great day with a great speaker is indeed a fruitful day! Mr. John Paul “PJ" Lanot, an entrepreneur, business speaker, host and voice actor, and a commercial model led the talk by associating his knowledge and own experiences to touch the scholars lives and connect with them by his fun humor and very interactive way of building rapport. The seminar centered its objective on how different factors could lead us to utilizing our full potential for us to be a great entrepreneur. Even though not all the scholars are not into the entrepreneurship career path, it is amazing that every scholars has been very active and wanted to be an entrepreneur someday.

Mr. PJ begins the talk as he explained that there is a cashflow quadrant existing. Under the active cashflow quadrant are the employment and self-employment whereas when you do not work, you won't have any cashflows. On the other side is the the passive cashflow quadrant that includes business and investment that is generally independent into which you can have cashflows even though there is no work done. This topic let the scholars know that an income does not only comes with just employment but it could be in other forms.

Types of industries — the primary, secondary, and tertiary, have also been tackled where Mr. PJ explained that a lot has been entering the tertiary industry that is why he is encouraging the young entrepreneur “wanna-be" to indulge their business with primary and secondary industries as it could mean a high return of investment. Mr. PJ, as well pinpointed the very difference of expense and investment. Although they are both an outflow of resource, investment has a potential inflow of another resource. Scholars now are knowledgeable how to distinguish an expense to an investment, the very first step into becoming a great entrepreneur.

Not only giving the scholars tips, but Mr. PJ also shared ideas on jumpstart business ideas. To start a business, you must find and maximize your LOCATION. You must know the natural occuring market, natural resources, and the local talent of your location to maximize its full potential. Then, you should and must always alot a TIME for your business. The business-entrepreneur relationship is a very jealous relationship that's why if you cannot alot time… never enter a business. Discover your PHYSICAL SELF potential. You must know an ample or even full INFORMATION about the business you are about to enter. Consider your TALENT upon starting your business as it could be a great investment too. Have enough experience as “eventually you will be best in what you do because you gain… experience". Maximize TECHNOLOGY because if you will not innovate, you will evaporate. Build NETWORKS as no man is an island, we cannot do everything alone. Everything you do, must be driven by your PASSION. And lastly, you must maximize the aforementioned ideas to have your MONEY wisely budgeted and have an inflow of resources.

Following the really beneficial and engaging address, there was a brief open forum when Mr. PJ and the scholars discussed what they had learned. The scholars and the CFBCI Bosses are extremely appreciative of the DTI's very helpful discussion. After all the talks, open forum, thanksgiving, the seminar has ended leaving the students with an entrepreneurial mindset. Before departing, the students shared their meal and were handed their snacks.

菲華工商總會訊:本會自二零零九年設立「點亮未來」助學方案以來,除支助受助生在生活及學習費用外,更著重於他們的道德思想培養、個人素質和生活技能的提高,故每個月都會定期舉辦生活、技能和激勵研討會 (LSMS)。為啟發受助生們成為企業家,二月份本會聯合工貿部(DTI)共同舉辦題為:「企業家思維設置」講座,邀請專家傳授作為企業家取得成功所需的技能,期盼能培養出新一代足智多謀的企業家接班人。

二月十九日(星期日)上午,在本會八樓禮堂,由工貿部中小企業巡迴培訓學院 (SMERA)邀請到John Paul “PJ” Lanot先生擔任講員。PJ先生是一位企業家、商業演說家、主持人和配音員,同時也是一名商業模特。PJ先生首先深入淺出地講解「現金流象限」。這個詞來自全球知名企業家、投資家和財商教育專家羅伯特‧清崎(Robert T. Kiyosaki)所著《財富自由之路》。它代表收入和金錢產生的不同途徑。E象限 : Employee雇員;S象限 : Self-employed 自由職業者;B象限 : Business Owner 企業家;I象限 : Investment 投資者。不同的賺錢方式源於不同的思維模式,不同的技術技能,不同的教育背景,以及不同的性格類型,由於以上這些差別,不同的人被吸引到不同的象限中。




這場引人入勝,受益良多的演講得到受助生們和本會領導的高度讚賞。本會出席領導理事長謝國萬,榮譽理事長黃拔來,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強,常務顧問曾煥眉,董事杜祖蔭,常務理事洪海濱,理事張其安、留牡丹及工貿部工作人員Joice Deocacriza和Ritz Rendell Tuason向講員頒發感謝狀。講座於上午十一時結束。