CFBCI celebrates Chinese-Filipino Friendship Day with the Philippine Ambassador to China Jaime FlorCruz through an online public forum about Chinese-Filipino relations 菲華工商總會慶菲中友誼日邀菲駐華大使Jaime FlorCruz舉辦菲中關係線上公開論壇

The Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. celebrated this year’s Chinese-Filipino Friendship Day by inviting the newly appointed Philippine Ambassador to China, Hon. Jaime A. FlorCruz, as keynote speaker in an online public forum with the theme “Strengthening Bilateral Relations between the Philippines and China: Opportunities and Challenges" held on last June 9.


On that day, representatives of chambers of commerce in the Philippines, leaders of major Chinese chambers of commerce, associations, leaders of overseas Chinese schools and media representatives, and colleagues of the Association in Metro Manila and other provinces attended the forum which was moderated by Mr. Reginald Yu. President Stephen Sia gave a welcoming speech and Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy introduced the Guest of Honor.


In his short speech, Ambassador FlorCruz emphasized the great contribution of China in revitalizing the Philippine economy, saying that China is currently the largest trading partner of the Philippines. He also mentioned that during President Marcos Jr.'s visit to China earlier this year, talks focused on the four pillars of bilateral relations between the country and China: infrastructure, energy, agriculture, and cultural exchanges.


In addition to economic cooperation, the ambassador also aims to strengthen humanistic exchanges between the two countries. He said the Embassy is committed to promoting Filipino culture and arts, as well as Filipino values, in China. The Embassy is also innovating its mechanisms to speed up the process of issuing Philippine visas to legitimate Chinese applicants.


After a concise presentation, Ambassador FlorCruz immediately moved on to an open question and answer session. Attendees typed in their questions in the chat room, and moderator, Mr. Yu, asked them on their behalf.


When asked about untapped areas of the ASEAN region with great potential, the Ambassador emphasized the role of infrastructure development and active tourism in promoting economic development. Amb. FlorCruz shared his insights in detail and answered questions comprehensively. His feedback was well received by all participants.


In his closing remarks, Corporate Secretary Henry Go expressed his gratitude and hope for the long and prosperous neighborly relationship between the Philippines and China. The forum was successfully concluded after two hours.


菲華工商總會訊:今年為慶祝菲中友誼日,本會特於六月九日(星期五)上午誠邀新任菲律濱駐華特命全權大使吉米福羅庫茲(Hon. Jaime
Adriano FlorCruz











上圖:(左起)謝國萬,Hon. Jaime A. FlorCruz大使,黃書瑋,吳恆利。

