CFBCI holds seminar about stress management for Pagharap sa Pangarap scholars 菲華工商總會為點亮未來受助生舉辦「如何面對人生壓力」講座

The Chinese-Filipino Business Club Inc.
has planned a very relevant and timely Life, Skills, and Motivational Seminar (LSMS) for the month of May 2023 that discusses stress and how we could handle it for our dearest CFBCI Scholars. The lecture entitled “Stress ka na ba? Pag-usapan natin 'yan!" is a great medium to broaden students' understanding of what is stress and how does it affects and how we could get through it as stress is natural to human being.


The conference led by Ms. Joan Christine Nacional Tria – a Senior High School Teacher and CFBCI Alumni Batch 2017 Digital set the ground for the CFBCI Scholars to recognize and understand stress so scholars can better manage stress and lead healthier, more balanced lives. The seminar aim to let the scholars understand the causes and effects of stress and explore effective strategies for managing and reducing its impact on physical and mental well-being.


An interactive stress-relieving game was
administered prepared by Ms. Tria participated by the scholars. The game is the
popular “Hep-hep Hooray!". Volunteer scholars joined the fun and
exciting game with a monetary reward from one of our bosses. The game created
an active environment for the scholars to get them ready to listen to the talk.


To start the seminar, Ms. Tria primarily
define “what is stress?". Stress is a physiological and psychological
response, a natural and adaptive reaction that helps prepare the body and mind
to deal with challenging or threatening situations. Stress could be positive or
negative. Eustress and distress are two terms used to describe different types
of stress. While both involve a response to external pressures or demands, they
have distinct characteristics and effects on individuals. Eustress refers to
positive or beneficial stress that arises from situations that are perceived as
challenging but manageable. It is often associated with feelings of excitement,
motivation, and a sense of accomplishment. Distress refers to negative or
harmful stress that exceeds an individual's ability to cope effectively with
challenging situations. It is often associated with feelings of anxiety,
overwhelm, and a sense of helplessness.


Ms. Tria also explained that during
periods of stress, the body undergoes a series of physiological changes as part
of the body's natural response to stress and these changes are collectively
known as the stress response or the “fight-or-flight" response.
Stress could also have something to do with the heart rate, breathing, vision
changes, and so on.


When a person experiences long-term or
chronic stress, it refers to a continuous state of stress that persists over an
extended period. This can result from ongoing challenges, demands, or pressures
that an individual faces without sufficient relief or recovery. Ms. Tria warned
everyone that long-term stress can have significant implications not only for
physical but as well with emotional and mental health.


It is important to note that stress is
subjective, and what may be stressful for one person may not be for another.
Each individual has unique stressors, resilience levels, and coping mechanisms.
Ms. Tria noted that what matters is how an individual perceives and responds to
the stressors they encounter.


After knowing stress, Ms. Tria handed
several effective strategies and techniques to relieve stress and promote
relaxation. Different methods work for different individuals, so it's important
to find what works best for you. You could have physical exercise, deep
breathing and relaxation techniques, engaging in relaxing activities, social
support, and a lot more. To apply these, an activity time was set to have the
scholars relax and reduce stress. Ms. Tria prepared an activity where the
scholars think about their stressors and throw it via relaxation and with
incorporation of a relaxing music.


The lecture ended giving the students a
productive day. After the lecture, CFBCI Scholars had their election of
officers for the year 2023-2024. Everyone received lunch and snacks, and they
all ate their meals before departing the site.




本月主講人是二零一七年畢業於菲律濱師範大學(PNU),主修信息和通信技術教育系的受助生Joan Christine Nacional Tria。目前她是一名高中教師。講座題目是「你有壓力嗎?讓我們來討論」。這是一個很合時宜的主題,可以拓寬學生對什麼是壓力、它如何影響我們的生活,以及如何克服壓力的理解。因為壓力是人生的一部分。


在講座開始前,Tria老師邀請學員們參與“Hep-hep Hooray互動緩解壓力的遊戲。參與遊戲的學員還可以贏得本會領導準備的小獎金,由此帶動講座的氣氛,讓學員們精神活躍,積極參與接下來的講座。經過這個放鬆的小遊戲,Tria老師就進入講座主題「什麼是壓力?」壓力是一種在生理或心理上感受到的威脅,會激起個體的緊張狀態,而產生一些生理以及心理的反應。壓力可以是積極的,也可以是消極的。良性壓力是指具有挑戰性,但可控的情況下產生的積極或有益的壓力。它通常與興奮感、動力感和成就感有關。 消極的是指超過個人能承受的挑戰能力,負面或有害的壓力。它通常與焦慮感、不知所措和無助感有關。




針對這些情況, Tria老師傳授了幾種管理壓力的方式及合理的宣洩方式,來緩解壓力和促進放鬆。不同的方法適用於不同的人,因此找到最適合自己的方法很重要。例如:做運動,運動可以使你的注意力重新集中在身體動作上,從而改善情緒,讓一天的煩惱消散。冥想,集中注意力,注入平靜、安寧和平衡感,對情緒健康和整體健康都有益。與他人聯繫,當您感到壓力大和煩躁時,本能可能是自我隔離。但恰恰相反,此時你應該向家人和朋友傾訴,並建立社交關係。聽音樂,播放音樂是一個很好的緩解壓力的方式,因為它可以分散您的注意力、減少肌肉緊張、減少壓力激素