San Lorenzo Ruiz Knights of Columbus Council 7344 Medical Outreach Program and Pre-Christmas Gift-Giving 岷侖洛華人天主教堂聖羅仁素如伊斯哥倫布騎士會7344聖誕義診送禮包

On a sunny morning on Sunday, December 4, 2022, the Knights of Columbus 7344, led by President Henry Go, kicked off a medical and dental clinic at the Philippine Coast Guard gymnasium in Binondo Farola, and distributed Christmas gift bags to families in the cold. Months of planning, preparation, coordination and hard work went into the successful completion of this worthy cause. The Knights of Colombus 7344 have been providing free monthly medical services to the sick in the Binondo neighborhood of Manila and free medication to the needy.

This Christmas, with the cooperation of the Manila Chinatown Barangay Organization, CFBCI chose to target one of the poorest residents in Binondo, the Farola area, especially Barangay 275 and the Coast Guard community, for free medical, pharmaceutical, and dental care services. The beneficiaries have expressed their gratitude because they rarely receive such care and attention. In addition, residents also received a Christmas gift bag.

The event was supported by various organizations which donated rice, food, daily necessities and medicine. Some of our colleagues also donated money for medicine meals for medical staff and workers, and transportation subsidy. The Philippine Coast Guard and the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary Force fully supported and cooperated with us, and the event went smoothly.

As the saying goes, helping others is a joy, and the smiles on the faces of the beneficiaries make us feel good. As the COVID-19 pandemic draws to a close, we will continue to expand our projects and do our best to help others. Thank you again to everyone who helped make this event a success!

岷侖洛華人天主教堂的聖羅仁素如伊斯哥倫布騎士會7344訊:2022 年 12 月 4 日(星期日)一個晴朗的早晨,本會在會長吳恆利的帶動下,假菲律濱海岸警衛隊位於Binondo Farola的體育館,啟動醫療和牙科義診,並為清寒家庭分發聖誕禮包。C 7344全體騎士兄弟們經數月的策劃、準備、協調和努力,終於順利完成此項惠及民眾的義舉。 C 7344 的騎士會一貫為位於馬尼拉 Binondo 附近一帶的描籠涯提供每月免費醫療服務,並為經濟有困難的病家提供免費藥物。

今年聖誕節期間,在馬尼拉唐人街描籠涯組織的配合下,本會擇定以Binondo 最貧乏的描籠涯之一,Farola地區,特別是 Barangay 275 和海岸警衛隊社區為贊助目標,為他們舉辦免費醫療,送藥品,以及牙科治療服務,受益人紛紛向C 7344的騎士成員表示感謝,他們很少受到如此的關心和貼心的服務。除此之外,他們還收到本會送的聖誕禮包,雪中送炭,他們感受到了C 7344 滿滿的溫暖。這次活動,得到岷侖洛華人天主教玫瑰聖母堂區牧靈委員會、華社救災委員會、WL 食品公司,GQ West / Aquabest, 崇仁醫院和醫療中心等,分別捐送白米,食品,日用品,藥物,以及本會同仁傾力解囊捐輸,添購藥品,提供醫務人員及工作人員餐點,交通補貼等,菲律賓海岸警衛隊和菲律賓海岸警衛隊輔助部隊全力支持與合作,活動順利進行。

