CFBCI “Pagharap sa Pangarap” Education Program with the Gregorio P. Uy and Lee Feng Scholarship Foundation facilitated Values Seminar and Christmas celebration for Isabela students 菲華工商總會「點亮未來」助學方案聯合「黃國棟丶林春鳳教育基金會」為依沙迷拉受助生舉行講座並慶聖誕

The Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) has been implementing the “Pagharap sa Pangarap" Education Program since 2009 and has expanded its scope from Metro Manila area to other provinces. This school year, CFBCI is supporting 80 excellent students from less affluent backgrounds, and holds a Life Skills and Motivational Seminar (LSMS) every month.

On November 17, 2022, CFBCI Executive Vice President, Mr. Samuel Lee Uy, went to Isabela Province to led an inspirational talk and a Christmas party for the students at Cauayan Isabela Elementary School with local colleagues and members of CFBCI. Eighty students and their parents were invited to attend the seminar.

On the day of the seminar, Ms. Geralda Hoggang, Discipline Officer of Cauayan Elementary School, gave a welcome speech and Mr. Uy was the keynote speaker, sharing with the students the theme of “Being Proactive" in forming their values in life. He pointed out that there are millions of poor people in the Philippines who are unable to get enough food and basic necessities because of the habit of toxic obedience and lack of perseverance.

“Our ancestors were taught the wrong Catholic model by the Spanish conquistadors, so that we only know how to obey orders and bow our heads and say Amen, as seen in the famous book Noli Me Tangere by Jose Rizal,” said Mr. Uy.

“To change this habit, we must first understand the “Law of Radicalism", which can make a person rich. First of all, everyone needs to have ambition or goals and work hard to succeed in the goals they choose. Just like eight-year-old Tiger Woods said, “I want to break all the world records in golf and become the best golfer in the world,” Mr. Uy added.

With a goal in mind, you have to focus on it, be passionate, and do it with the mindset that you will not rest until you reach your goal. For you succeed, don't give up lightly. Of course, also have the patience to wait, because everything will be sown at the right time. And the most important thing: everything we do must come from love. When we realize these truths and become motivated, it proves that you are on the road to success.

In his speech, the Chairman of the Gregorio P. Uy and Lee Feng Scholarship Foundation, encouraged the students and their parents to trust our organization and guidance so that they can be sure of a brighter future. He told the students to study hard, respect their parents and help them accomplish the household chores. A local member of the foundation encouraged the recipients to do better than usual and to set their goals higher so that they can achieve more than the average student.

The recipient, Erika Silverio, gave a thank you speech, saying that her mother is the sole breadwinner for the family due to her father's illness. Without the scholarship, she would not have been able to continue her education. She said the scholarship was God's answer to her prayers. She is grateful that the Foundation and the Society have changed her life by inspiring her with the right values.

Ms. Ligaya De Jesus, the school principal, also shared her experience with the students. She said that she was also from a poor family when she was a child, but through hard work and effort, she never gave up any opportunity and finally became a scholar. She urged the students to cherish the financial aid provided by the Foundation and the Society.

After the event, Christmas gifts were given to all the students and their parents. Everyone went home with a smile on their face and a sense of gratitude.


講座當天,由南星小學訓導主任Geralda Hoggang女士致歡迎詞,黃書瑋執行副理事長擔任主講人,他向受助生們分享了以人生價值觀形成的主題『積極進取』。他指出,我國人因為習慣順從和缺乏進取性,所以菲律濱有數百萬窮人,他們無法獲得足夠的食物和基本生活需求品。我們的祖先被西班牙征服者教導了錯誤的天主教徒模式,使我們只懂得服從命令,和低頭說阿門,這可從國父扶西•黎剎的名著Noli Me Tangere一書中讀到,有五個文化根源剝奪了國人的進取性:


第二、Bahala na(看著辦)態度,不做籌備,凡事抱著向上帝祈禱尋求答案而培養出來的態度。




黃書瑋執行副理長說到:要改變這個陋習,先要瞭解「激進法則」,它可使一個人變得富有。首先每個人都需要有雄心或目標,並在自己選擇的目標中努力取得成功。就像八歲的老虎‧伍茲(Tiger Woods)說:「我要打破所有高爾夫球世界紀錄,成為世界上最好的高爾夫球手。」有了目標,就要全神貫注,激情如火,以不達目標決不甘休的心態為之。在你成功之前,不要輕言放棄。當然,也要具備耐心等待,因為一切都將有合適的時機。還有最重要的一點:我們所做的一切都必須來自愛。當我們意識到這些真理,變得積極進取時,證明你已經走上了通往成功的道路。



受助生Erika Silverio發表感謝詞,她說因為父親生病,母親成為家裡唯一養家糊口的頂樑柱。如果沒有這份獎學金,她將無法繼續升學。她指出,獎學金是上帝對她祈禱的回應。她很感謝本會和基金會通過用正確的價值觀激發她的進取心,從而改變了她的生活。

南星小學校長Ligaya De Jesus女士也與受助生們分享了她的經歷,她說她小時候也是家境窮苦,但是,她通過勤奮和努力,不放棄任何機會,終於成為一名學者。她敦促受助生們要珍惜本會和基金會提供的助學方案。



上圖左起:黃書瑋,黃書企,黃培當,Ligaya De Jesus,Erika Silverio,Geralda Hoggang。

