Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. celebrates Christmas with Pagharap sa Pangarap Scholars 菲華工商總會為點亮未來受助生舉辦娛樂遊戲抽獎節目歡慶聖誕

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. held its first face-to-face Christmas party after the pandemic with scholars of the Pagharap sa Pangarap Education Program on Sunday morning, December 18, 2022 at the 8th floor auditorium. There were 130 students and students' association members attending the party to celebrate the Christmas season.

For the Christmas party, the students had decorated the 8th floor auditorium two weeks in advance into a festive Christmas scene, which was a breath of fresh air. On the day of the party, a number of students who have graduated and are now working in the society, came back to their “home" to visit their younger siblings and celebrate Christmas together. The program was emceed by Paul Ediver Villa and Joie Balasbas, and started with a welcome speech from the president of the board, Mr. Stephen Sia, who sent a festive greeting to all the students and said that the fact that we are here today to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ means that all of us have survived the severe test of the epidemic.

“We also want to thank those who have supported and helped us during the difficult times. As God's children, we need to reach out with a loving heart and offer our abilities and resources to help those who are in greater need than we are, so that we can all have a safe and joyful Christmas,” said Mr. Sia. Finally, he encouraged the students to work harder in the new year to achieve better results.

At the beginning of the party, the host announced that each entertainment program was a competition. First, the students had edited creative videos according to their respective schools and presented them to the leaders at the party to express their Christmas greetings and wishes, and presented them with handmade tokens of extraordinary meaning and symbolism as souvenirs.

After that, the students prepared a variety of performances, including singing, dancing, skits, costume show and talent show. The entertainment program was interspersed with prize draws, games and quizzes. At the end of the program, Mr. Samuel Lee Uy, the Executive Vice President, gave a speech of appreciation. He praised the students for their unique performances, which fully demonstrated their creativity and talents.

After the morning's “activities", a sumptuous Christmas lunch buffet was prepared with roast suckling pig, Filipino snacks donated by the Alumni Association members and Aice ice cream donated by our colleagues for the after-dinner dessert. Before the meeting, each participant also received gifts donated by our leaders, including costumes, gifts, food packs, calendars, stationery, cash envelopes, etc. All the participants came home with a lot of money.

In addition to sponsoring the full cost of tuition and miscellaneous fees, CFBCI also subsidize daily transportation, books, school supplies, meals and uniforms, and hold regular training seminars for the students in order to help them develop physically and mentally.


為了這次的聖誕聯歡會,學員們提前兩週把原本肅穆的八樓禮堂,精心佈置成一片喜氣洋洋的聖誕景象,讓人煥然一新。聯歡會當天,多位已經畢業,目前正投身社會工作的學友會成員,聯袂回到「娘家」探望學弟學妹們,並共慶聖誕。節目由Paul Ediver Villa和Joie Balasbas擔任司儀,首先由理事長謝國萬致歡迎詞,他向全體學員送上節日的問候,並表示今天我們能在這裡慶祝耶穌基督的誕生,代表著我們所有人都挺過了疫情嚴峻的考驗,我們是幸運的,未來一定會更美好。我們也要感謝那些在困難時,一路支持及幫助過我們的人,作為神的兒女,我們要用一顆博愛的心,伸出援手,獻出我們的能力和資源,幫助那些比我們有需要的同胞,讓大家都能擁有一個平安喜樂的聖誕節。最後他鼓勵受助生們於新的一年要加倍努力,爭取更好的成績。接下來副理事長曾國強和受助生學會會長Patricia Anne Deinla分別致詞祝賀。







上小圖:(左起)謝國萬,曾國強,黃書瑋,Patricia Anne Deinla,Paul Ediver Villa,Joie Balasbas致詞主持之影。



